Attention Home Owners: If you have seen any evidence of fleas in your house, yard or on your pet(s) and are looking for a professional company that has dealt with and eliminated numerous flea infestations, over many years, you have come to the right place!

Don’t wait! Call 610-772-8000! We will be happy to help in any way that we can!

See below our Flea Checklist and some other information. These items need to be completed before we come out for the first treatment. Please start right away.

Flea Checklist

  1. Get pet(s) treated appropriately for fleas.
  2. Wash bed linens, comforters, quilts and other bedding in hot water and dry on high heat.
  3. Vacuum your home before each treatment and daily between treatments.
  4. Mow tall grass, trim foliage and remove debris- these areas are great hiding places for fleas, ticks and other pests.


ISSUE: Fleas are still present in your home, after treatment, in unoccupied or low traffic areas such as basements, attics, garages, storage areas, etc. This can occur when fleas remain dormant in their pupal stage, in quiet, undisturbed areas.

SOLUTION: Vacuum the area daily and schedule a re-treat in 10-14 days. If it is not possible to vacuum, clean the area at least one time and enter it daily. This activity will stimulate any dormant fleas to emerge and they’ll be eradicated when the area is treated again.

ISSUE: You had your home treated right before leaving for family vacation. As soon as you and your family return, fleas begin jumping on everyone. This sometimes happens because fleas may remain dormant or inactive in the pupal stage when there are no pets or people around. When the family returns, the hungry fleas become active, and quickly jump on potential hosts.

SOLUTION: Vacuum your home again as soon as possible. This will cause fleas that were dormant to emerge from their cocoons, so that the product the technician used can kill them. Call us to have your home re-treated in 10-14 days if you continue to see fleas.









  1. Remove all cardboard, as German cockroaches enter homes and businesses primarily this way. Seal cardboard in trash bags and discard with trash. 
  2. For Restaurants: hire a company that specializes in deep cleaning/ have the premises deep cleaned once per month, or at the very least once per quarter. This includes pulling out and cleaning behind all shelving, tables, prep areas, etc. Have staff clean and degrease store daily. Homeowners: keep kitchen clean and degrease as needed. 
  3. Declutter. German roaches breed in clutter, and it is very difficult to eliminate them if there are cluttered areas for them to breed in. 




Close up of an Indian Meal Moth on Oatmeal


  • Usually enter a dwelling via food products from the supermarket (cereal, oatmeal, flour, pet food, etc).
  • Cannot be eradicated without the full participation of the customer. Our service(s) alone will not result in success. 

Customers Part

  1. Buy sealable plastic or glass containers for ALL food items that are in cardboard or paper.
  2. Empty each box/bag into the containers. As the box/bag is being emptied look for any cocoons or live moths. Seal each container tightly.
  3. Put all empty boxes/bags into a trash bag, seal tightly, then put outside into the trash.
  4. Remove all food items from cabinets before each service. Put the items in large sealable plastic bins.

Our Part

  1. Put Indian Meal Moth traps in areas where the moths have been seen, to attract and catch flying moths.
  2. Crack and crevice spray of cabinets and all food storage areas for elimination of nests.

If the customer prep work is not fully completed the problem will more than likely get worse, as the moths nests are usually in the food boxes/bags. Full participation is vital!

We need to find and eliminate the nest(s) as soon as possible to prevent any further growth/expansion to other parts of the house. Indian Meal Moth services are a process that can be lengthy, if the moth nest(s) are in inaccessible areas.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and participation as we work together to fully eliminate these pests.



  1. Empty all water outdoors.
  2. Remove trash in yard.
  3. Clean gutters. 
  4. Store trash bins out of rain. Dump any water regularly.
  5. Fix outdoor leaks.
  6. Dump any water out of potted plants and bird baths.
  7. Add an aerator or fountain to birdbaths or ornamental ponds.











  1. Make sure door sweeps are on all exterior doors.
  2. Place 1/4 inch wire mesh over all exterior ventilation areas.
  3. Rodent proof any holes or openings inside using materials such as steel wool and spray foam, and outside with concrete or aluminum flashing and/or screening.
  4. Have the roof inspected and sealed of any holes or gaps around vents and HVAC units.
  5. Clean food areas regularly. Make sure no crumbs are left out and put all pantry items in glass or plastic containers and seal with a lid.
  6. Make sure all meals are eaten in the kitchen, and refrain from snacking in other areas of the house or office.
  7.  Store all items away from the building, including firewood and other equipment.
  8. Keep all vegetation trimmed back at least 2 feet from the building exterior, especially shrubs. make sure the lawn is cut regularly.
  9. Remove clutter inside, including boxes and clothes on the floor.
  10. Keep trash cans secured. Use the garbage disposal for all garbage, if applicable, or use a garbage bag.


If you have a question or need additional information, please give us a Call at 610-772-8000. We want to EARN your business! Consultation is FREE!

We look forward to hearing from you.


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